Providing Your Business with Personalized Strategies for Growth
Join the Ascend Network
Our application process is designed to understand how we can best support you. Eligible businesses must be located in the Phoenix Metro area and/or have an office located in the Phoenix-Metro area with revenues of $500,000 or more. Businesses must be 51% or more minority, women, veteran, disabled individual, or immigrant owned business enterprise; certified and non-certified are welcome. We also require eligible businesses to have a need for Three-M Model; Market access, Management support, and/or Money resources.
Application Eligibility
Location & Size
Businesses must be:
Located in Arizona
Annual revenues of $500,000 or more
Exception: Business located outside of Arizona must also have annual revenues of $500,000 or more, and meet at least one of the following requirements:
Contribute to Arizona’s economy
Awarded contracts to do work in Arizona
Workforce located in Arizona
Pay Arizona taxes
Businesses must be 51% or more of the following (certified and non-certified):
Minority Business Enterprise
Women Business Enterprise
Veteran Owned Small Business
Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
Disabled (non-vet)
Have a need for one or all of the following from the Three-M Model (definitions provided below):
AscendPhoenix Application
* Thank you for signing up with Ascend Phoenix. In order to finish the application process, you must acknowledge the statement above with your signature. Click on the "Submit" button to complete the application.